Fokus Wärmeversorgung

focus on heat supply & power



The company Bitterfelder Fernwärme GmbH (BFG) is a mid-sized heat supply company for housing companies / cooperatives, public institutions as well as private and commercial customers delivering heat in Bitterfeld and Sandersdorf (Saxony-Anhalt). 

We provide approximately 6000 apartments in the supply area with district heat for space heating and hot water. 7 district heat stations and 4 heating containers provide for approx. 45 % of Bitterfeld and Sandersdorf apartments via a total of 65 km long heat supply network; they also take care of the heating needs of municipal and commercial facilities.

Approximately 70 % of the heat output is delivered to housing companies, 30 % to public institutions as well as private and commercial customers.

We would love to hear from you
Management board:
Mario Engler,
Claudia Legére-Wolbeck

 +49 3493 3751 0
 +49 3493 3751 22



Heat and contracting services for municipalities, industry and commerce

The Danpower Energie Service GmbH (DES) offers onside and district heating, contracting for the housing industry, as well as energy related services. This includes network and energy facilities management, as well as energy efficiency.  If you are looking for a contractor for industrial and commercial applications, we are your contact.  We are able to manage the distributed energy supply, energy procurement and energy logistics. In a third business unit we are busy exploring energy generation from renewable and alternative energy sources such as biomass, biogas and special gases.

We would love to hear from you
Management board:
Sven Schmieder,
Dr. Manfred Schüle,
Karsten Krieg




The EKT Energie und Kommunal-Technologie GmbH company operates as a wholly owned subsidiary of the Danpower GmbH backed by a secure corporate background.

The fuels in our plants are coal, oil, natural gas, as well as wood and wood products in a wide variety of compositions and treatments. And the majority of our heat generation plants are now equipped with modern natural gas boilers.

We would love to hear from you
Management board:
Sven Schmieder,
Dr. Manfred Schüle,
Karsten Krieg




In collaboration with the city

The ELW Energieversorgung Leinefelde-Worbis GmbH is a joint venture company of Danpower Energie Service GmbH – one of the Danpower Group companies – and the city of Leinefelde-Worbis. Established on January 1, 2013, we took over the heat supply of Leinefelde-Worbis which was built in the 80s and had become quite outdated. We invested € 10.86 million to modernize the facilities or to build new plants.  In particular we supplied housing associations, but also public institutions as well as commercial and industrial applications with district heating.

We would love to hear from you
Management board:
Christian Töpfer,
Enno Wiegand

 +49 3605 5521 53
 +49 3605 5521 01



The municipal utility company Stadtwerk Elsterwerda GmbH was founded in the year 1992. Danpower GmbH has been a majority shareholder (51 %) of the Stadtwerk Elsterwerda GmbH since 2011. It supplies numerous properties of housing cooperatives, public facilities, day care centers, schools, recreational facilities, businesses and various rental properties with district heating.

The required heat to supply the city utility end-customers is obtained from the biomass cogeneration plant belonging to Danpower.  The plant operates in an environmentally friendly fashion and makes an important contribution to environmental protection by using sustainable raw materials (biomass from wood scrap of categories A1 to A4) and the application of highly efficient combined heat and power cogeneration technology.

We would love to hear from you
Management board:
Mathias Lehmann,
Thomas Becker

+49 3533 4867 0
+49 3533 4867 12



The company Wärmeversorgung Wolgast GmbH (WVW) was established in 1993 and is a joint venture between Danpower and the city of Wolgast. It provides heat for approximately 4000 apartments, diverse publicly supported and municipal institutions as well as industrial consumers in Wolgast and the municipality of Karl Hagen on the island of Usedom.

The current state of the WVW plant has an installed thermal capacity of 14.4 MW as well as an installed electricity output of approx. 1.2 MW.  We operate the boiler house/biomethane CHP in Wolgast. Almost all the heat produced in the Biogas park Wolgast is fed into the district heating supply network of the Wolgast GmbH.

We would love to hear from you
Management board:
Sebastian Hentschel,
Maik Mandelkow

 +49 3836 28952 0
 +49 3836 28952 22



The WVZ-Wärmeversorgung Zinnowitz GmbH (WVZ) company will take care on the onside as well as district heating grid supply of Zinnowitz, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. Danpower Energie Service GmbH’s share in the WVZ-Wärmeversorgung Zinnowitz GmbH is 80 % and the municipality of Ostseebad Zinnowitz has a share of 20 %.

Two CHPs with 50kW each and other distributed heating systems as island solutions take care of the onside and district heating grid of public and private buildings.  The connected load is approximately 8 MW.

We would love to hear from you
Management board:
Sebastian Hentschel,
Maik Mandelkow

 +49 3836 28952 0
+49 3836 28952 22