
Bio natural gas plant 

In the year 2011 the Danpower group of companies built a biogas plant at their Lichtensee location for the production of bio (natural) gas.  In addition to the conventional use of biogas in a combined heating and power unit for renewable power and heat generation this was the first time the company installed a biogas processing plant. Thus, the biogas generated will be upgraded to natural gas quality and fed into the supply grid of the regional gas network operator.  700 Nm³ green biogas (biomethane) per hour can be produced in this way.

The gas is used in combined heating and power units which are built at the heating supply plants of Danpower.  The electricity generated at the site is fed into the supply grid, the heat is used for the plant’s own supply.

Operating the plant facilitates carbon dioxide savings of 20,000 t per year. The biogas plant processes exclusively renewable raw materials (NaWaRo) in the form of maize, whole plant and grass silage as well as cereal grain in smaller amounts.  The materials used will be stored and preserved at the biogas plant in a compaction silo with a storage capacity of about 60,000 t.

The digestate substances from the process, about 45,000 t annually, are separated into solid and liquid parts and passed on to the surrounding farms as high-quality fertilizer.


Plant data  
Location Alter Sportplatz 1, 01609 Wülknitz, OT Lichtensee

2011 CHP

2012 Biogas plant
Footprint/cultivation area Approx. 1,800 ha (2700 ac)
Full-load operation 2013
Annual biogas yield 13,000,000 Nm³  for use to upgrade biogas to biomethane
Amount of electricity generated annually 27,700 MWh (equivalent)
Outputel (CHP) 1.191MW
Outputth (CHP) 1.186 MW
Investment total About 14 million EUR
Annual substrate throughput 65,000 t of maize, whole plant silage, Sudan grass, grass silage, cereal grain
The fermenting stage operation 365 d/a
Duration/temperature 45 d / 45°C
Fermenting method Two-stage mesophilic dry fermentation method
Amount of ferment produced

33,000 t/a liquid

12,000 t/a solid
COsavings* 20,000 t/a

*Compared to fossil fuels


The brochure for our biogas plant can be found here.

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