
Biomass cogeneration plant

The Danpower Group operates a biomass cogeneration plant in Pfaffenhofen as a combined heat and power generation plant on the basis of natural scrap wood and landscape management material from the region.  The annual wood demand is more than 46,000 tons.

The biomass cogeneration plant has a firing thermal output of 28 MW and an installed electrical capacity of 6.1 MW. Supply security for its district heating is ensured via two reserve boilers at the location; they are operated with gas or oil for redundancy.

The cogeneration plant produces about 40,000 MWh of electricity and approximately 54,000 MWh of heat as well as 20,000 MWh of steam annually. This amount of heat and power is able to supply more than 6,500 apartments annually with heating and 10,000 appartments annually of electricity (at an average apartment size of 97 m2, 85 kWh/m2 heat consumption per year and 4 MWh of electric annually).

The heat generated is fed into the district heating grid and supplies private households, public institutions, as well as industry and commerce in the entire City of Pfaffenhofen region.  The electricity is fed into the local power grid.


Detailed Information on the primary energy factor of the plant can be found here.

It offers the best benefits for district heating customers, especially for builders and renovation businesses:

  • Possibility of a favorable KfW loan
  • Low investment costs
  • Verification i.a.w. EEWärmeG Section §7 Para. 3 substitute measures
  • Minimal operating and maintenance costs

The customer benefits from a reliable, affordable and stable heat supply.


Learn more about our charging stations: The Danpower Group operates an electric charging station in the Posthofstraße 2 in Pfaffenhofen a. d. Ilm with green energy.


Contact biomass cogeneration plant Pfaffenhofen

+49 8441 4984 – 90
+49 8441 4984 – 99


Special support number
In case of an error, please use our special support number:
+49 8441 4984 – 912




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